home How to choose Small household appliances How to choose an espresso machine

How to choose an espresso machine

Coffee can be different, as well as the methods of its preparation: instant, brewed, hot, cold, cappuccino, latte, espresso and the list goes on for a very long time. The popularity of the drink has led to the emergence of coffee machines from different manufacturers, with different options and prices, which allows coffee lovers to make coffee at home. For connoisseurs of their time, who are not accustomed to saving, carob coffee makers are perfect. Note that these units are available on the market in a large assortment. In this review, we will help you choose an espresso machine.

What is an espresso machine

The espresso lover with a dense foam will appreciate the espresso maker. To prepare an aromatic and invigorating drink, you must use coffee pods or ground, processed with steam. The coffee maker got its name from the mechanism of operation - it uses not standard filters, but horns, which are plastic or metal.

Principle of operation and varieties

The principle of operation of the espresso machine depends on the type of unit, of which there are only two:

  1. Pump-action - in this model, the pouring water heats up to 90-100 degrees for a short period of time. After that, a pump under pressure passes it through the coffee. With this technology, you can get a rich aroma and retain most of the nutrients. Such units operate at a power of 1500-1700 W, so it takes about one minute to prepare a cup of your favorite coffee.
  2. Steam - in this type of coffee machine, the liquid is heated in an airtight container, which leads to the formation of steam, passing under pressure through the coffee. The disadvantage of this type of aggregates is that the aroma is lost when steam passes through the drink. The advantage is that this coffee contains a large amount of caffeine. The favorite drink is prepared for one and a half to two minutes, which is associated with less power and pressure than in pump models.

How to choose

When choosing an open-end coffee machine, you need to pay attention to its characteristics:

  • The number of horns - in such an assembly there may be one or several horns. Inexpensive machines, sold in a large assortment, are mainly equipped with one horn, with its help you can prepare a maximum of three portions of coffee.
  • Horns material - it is better to purchase coffee machines with stainless steel horns. Basically, the package includes a filter made of similar material. Note that the filter produces froth when preparing espresso. The metal horn heats up faster than the plastic one, so the drink acquires a rich aroma and blocks the appearance of sourness.
  • Liquid reservoir size - espresso machines can hold 0.5-1.5 liters. And also it is necessary to choose a device with a changeable bowl for liquid, which will make it easy to care for, and the coffee machine will be kept clean.
  • Cappuccino function - when buying a coffee maker, you must purchase an apparatus with a cappuccino maker.Even if you are not a fan of this drink, it is still better to make your choice in favor of a device with a cappuccino option, so as not to spend additional money on new purchases in the future.
  • The use of pods - pods are portions of roasted coffee of various degrees of grinding for one-time use. Advantages of pods, ease of maintenance of the coffee machine, making coffee requires minimal labor.
  • Additional options.

Additional functions

Horn-type sweaters may have additional options:

  1. An indicator that indicates the presence or absence of liquid.
  2. Overheating protection.
  3. An additional pump, with which you can prepare two types of coffee at once, which is good for a family where people prefer a different type of this aromatic drink.
  4. A button that will stop the preparation of coffee, if necessary.
  5. The automatic heating option is required when coffee is prepared in advance.
  6. Heating of cups - this function is quite rare and is equipped with expensive models of coffee machines. Note that this option can be replaced by a microwave oven.


Today, different manufacturers offer their models of carob coffee machines, which can be selected by brand, functionality and price category. In this review, we have tried to help you answer the question of how to choose an espresso machine. We hope we succeeded and you can make the right choice.

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