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How to remove a pen from clothes

How good it was for the Soviet schoolchildren! The uniform was dark and the risk of getting dirty was minimal. I got the removable cuffs dirty - threw them out and sewed on new ones. And now, if a schoolchild has stained a white blouse, mom has to think: how to remove a pen from her clothes, because buying such things is often overhead ...

In this article, we will look at many effective methods used by experienced housewives. The main thing to remember is this: the sooner you find and wipe the stain, the more chances it will be completely eradicated. Old stains from a pen on clothes are not removed very well.

Also, an important detail: you need to wash the stain in cold water, and only then raise the degree. If you immediately soak such a stain in hot water, then it will eat even more.

Features of fabrics and selection of funds based on their structure

pen stain

First of all, you must remember that no matter what magic means, it can easily ruin the structure of the fabric if it turns out to be too aggressive for it.

The most resistant are natural fabrics made of linen and cotton. The following substances are quite suitable for them:

  • Acetone, white spirit
  • Ethanol
  • Vinegar
  • Lemon acid
  • Ammonia
  • Spoiled milk
  • Laundry soap

Less corrosive substances are suitable for wool and silk:

  • Turpentine
  • Lemon juice
  • Shaving cream
  • Talc
  • Alcohol

But you can remove the paste from the handle from synthetics with very weak substances, since solvents can simply dissolve it, in the literal sense of the word, fully justifying its name. Therefore, for such fabrics it is recommended to use:

  • Laundry soap
  • Dishwashing liquid
  • Baking soda
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Alcohol

Of course, we are talking about home remedies, but there are also store-bought ones. They are available for a wide variety of fabrics and are harmless. But, as often happens, at the most inopportune moment, namely, when the stain from a ballpoint pen  you must certainly and quickly withdraw, the necessary funds are not at hand, and to go to the store either too late, or, corny, there is no money.

This is where homemade options come in handy. And, I must say, they act no worse than the ready-made ones!

White clothes. How to wash and not spoil?

remove a stain on white clothes

If it is a little easier with colored fabrics, then whites are a problem. Often, the stain will simply blur and leave a bluish tint on the material (or not bluish, depending on the original ink stain color).

It is better to wash such things with store products. But, if there is absolutely no way to buy them, try this option:

  • Apply sour milk to the stain and leave to sour for two hours. Then rinse with cold water, and then with warm water.
  • You can apply the vinegar stain from the pen, leave for 10 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly.
  • A mixture of baking soda and ammonia helps a lot. Make gruel from these substances, apply on the stain, wait 10 minutes and then wash.
  • Liquid mixture for white clothes: 1 part ammonia and 2 hydrogen peroxide. Moisten the stain from the pen with the resulting liquid, wait 20 minutes, then rinse.

Also, do not forget about such a wonderful thing as Antilyapin soap.It comes out much more profitable than funds such as Vanish. And grabs him for a long time. Therefore, it makes sense to have it always in stock.

You now know how to remove a pen from white clothes, but now, let's talk about dirt on other clothes. Colored shirts, jackets, trousers and their washing are no different from white things. The only thing in this case is to lighten the ink trace a little, it becomes almost invisible. Therefore, everything is even easier than it seems.

How to remove ink stains from ballpoint and helium pens

ink stain

Ballpoint pen stains are different, as you can imagine. It depends on the original formula of the ink itself. Some hatch well, but others "sit" firmly and nothing takes them.

But, in any case, you need to try everything. Start with the most non-aggressive remedies from the list suggested above, and only if they don't work, use stronger ones.

If you are applying a liquid stain remover to the stain, including all home remedies, you need to put some kind of lining under the fabric, and then soak it well. And, do not use fading fabric! Otherwise, instead of removing a small speck of ink, you will plant an even larger stain of dye. Which, by the way, is very difficult to withdraw.

Therefore, it is best to use a piece of white cloth for this.

At the end of the article, I would like to mention one method very common among housewives. We did not specifically include this tool in the general list, so it would look completely undignified.

So, to remove ink, they often use ... a toilet cleaner. Don't laugh, but this is generally a strong bleach concentrate. And why go to buy a separate package, if it is already there, and the stain is very small.

But, be extremely careful with this tool. It is the strongest! It will bring out whatever you want. But, so as not to risk it, first apply it on a piece of fabric that is invisible from the front side. Let's say the seam. If after 5 minutes everything is in order with the fabric, then - go for it!

Well, now you know how to get a pen off your clothes. And we really hope that you will not scold your student too much, because removing such a stain is not at all difficult.

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