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Dishwasher salt: how and how to replace it

The economy must be economical! So Brezhnev once said, and many housewives quite agree with him, moreover, they especially agree at a time when there is no extra money available, and the salt in the dishwasher has run out. And they have a completely natural thought: how to replace the dishwasher salt? If it's just salt, then why pay big bucks for it?

Let's look at this issue together and consider all the options. Since the fact that this is salt does not at all mean that this salt is table salt and is completely identical.

See also - Basic rules for using the dishwasher

What is the function of salt in a dishwasher?

Salt is not just a necessary component when washing dishes, but one might say - irreplaceable. Washing will not work without it!

The main purpose of salt is to soften water. Because, in hard water, the detergent will not foam, but simply dissolve and will not clean the contamination. And the water in our taps is hard, and you can't get away from this fact.

And, due to the fact that salt makes the water soft, another, side, but not insignificant bonus is obtained: scale does not form on the iron parts of the machine. And, therefore, the machine will not fail for this reason.

Many will probably say now: sorry, what nonsense? How can salt soften water, if everyone knows that it, on the contrary, makes it hard? It turns out that the salt for the typewriter is called soda? Indeed, only alkali can soften water!

To this we answer: no soda! Namely, salt, ordinary sodium chlorine. And it softens the water - in a completely indirect way, simply feeding the resin of the ion exchanger with its charge.

An ion exchanger is a tank filled with resin balls, which, like a sponge, absorb magnesium and calcium ions from running water passing through it. Thereby, purifying the water and making it soft and suitable for effective washing. But, these balls will not work like a sponge, if they are not saturated with saline, it compensates for the loss of ions.

In general, the resin is negatively charged while the calcium and sodium are positively charged. And if the resin is discharged, then it will not be able to attract anything and washing will be ineffective, since soap in hard water, and even in such a minimal amount, is unable to dissolve. These are the miracles ...

See also - Where and why to put salt in the dishwasher

How does special salt differ from ordinary salt?

dishwasher saltWe think that you yourself understand that the word "horse" may not always indicate an Arabian horse, but may mean that it is an ordinary pony. And then try to prove at the races that horses are ponies too!

It's the same story with salt. Special dishwasher salt has two differences from ordinary salt:

  • Deepest purification from impurities
  • Granulation is not so fine

And these two factors make it a completely different product, although it remains in composition the usual sodium chlorine.

Common salt contains a lot of impurities, up to the fact that there are particles of sand and gypsum.These things completely confuse the ion exchanger, putting it out of action, and, in addition, spoil the iron parts, contributing to the very scale that the ion exchanger is designed to fight.

The granulation of such salt is designed so that it slowly dissolves and in no case clogs the ion exchanger filter. That is, if you pour fine salt, it will clog the filter and it will not be able to work at all! Naturally, there will be absolutely no effect, since the saline solution will not reach its destination. After all, as you remember, salt plays only an indirect role and does not get directly to the plates.

What absolutely should not replace special salt?

do not use regular saltSo what cannot be replaced?

Coarse salt, but dirty - definitely cannot be used.

Salt of pure, but too fine fraction "Extra" - also cannot be used, as it will clog the filter of the ion exchanger.

Maybe sea salt? No, you can't either. Since, sea salt is even less refined than ordinary table salt, gray. Sea salt contains an incredible amount of iodine and other minerals that are very useful for the human body, but not for the iron parts of technology.

Soda - even more so! In general, put this idea out of your head, since they are completely different things. And the fact that soda softens water has nothing to do with the ion exchanger. Which will surely fail from such experiments.

And replacing an ion exchanger is an expensive and not economical thing. Can you imagine how many years you could buy special salt instead of replacing the ion exchanger? The same.

What can be replaced without damage to technology?

alternative to saltThere are only two options. Or, put the filter on the tap where the water is supplied from, or replace the dishwasher salt with pool salt.

It is such a special salt, tableted and highly purified. It is sold in bags of 25 kg and is much cheaper than a special one.

But, these alternatives also have their drawbacks.

If nothing is poured into the salt compartment, the ion exchanger will fail. And changing a clogged filter is also not so cheap and dreary. And if, one fine day, your filter is completely clogged and water starts to slip, and there is no suitable replacement, then this is very bad, since the ion exchanger is no longer working! And it turns out that the sink will have to be canceled indefinitely.

And tableted salt has the disadvantage that it is not sold at every step. This time. Secondly, it fits much less into the tank than a special one. And this is too much fuss about filling.

But finally, we will calm you down a little. If, suddenly, it happened that there is catastrophically no money in the house, but you need to wash it, then pour in ordinary, gray salt! Just fill the tank a little. Literally, for a couple of washes, until you have the opportunity to purchase a special one.

There won't be any significant changes in a short time, don't worry.

So, dear hostesses, now you know how to replace the dishwasher salt. We hope that you will take into account our recommendations and will not harm your irreplaceable assistant!

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