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How to get rid of dishwasher odors

Even a helper like a dishwasher, which is designed to help clean the house, itself needs care. Precisely because dirty dishes are placed in the equipment, this can contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor. The smell does not appear immediately, but if you do not take any action to clean it for a long time, then be prepared sooner or later a smell may appear. Sometimes a foreign smell can also be of technical origin. Let's take a closer look at the causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor and how to eliminate them.

The causes of the unpleasant odor

The odor is caused by an unkempt dishwasher. In particular, if it does appear, pay attention to the most common points where food debris can accumulate and cause an unpleasant smell.

Drain filter. Often waste is collected in it and after a while an unpleasant odor appears. First take the instructions and find out where it is located. For high-quality cleaning of the drain filter, you need to unscrew it, remove the rack and rinse under running water. Then wipe the filter with a clean cloth and reinstall it.

Rubber gasket on the door. The gasket located on the door can collect various contaminants. But it is easy enough to clean it, from time to time the gum must be wiped with a wet sponge, it can be treated with a detergent. Then wipe dry the clean pad. In addition, dishwashers have a special rinse program, which serves precisely to flush out the dirt. It should be started when the clean dishes are removed.

Drain hose. If the hose is clogged with food particles that accumulate during the washing process, an unpleasant odor is inevitable. This can only be when the hose itself is incorrectly installed. Incorrect positioning causes stagnation of dirty waste water. If this is the case, then it should simply be disconnected and cleaned. Then install correctly at a height of 40–100 cm from the floor to avoid similar situations in the future.

Residual water. If water remains in the dishwasher, it can contribute to the unpleasant odor of dampness and mold. Therefore, you should always pay attention to this. Try to dry the sink after each use, wipe dry and leave the door ajar to allow air to circulate.

Smell of plastic and glue. This kind of smell can occur when you put dishes that are not intended for washing in a dishwasher or set the high temperature setting. Therefore, especially at high temperatures, such dishes can emit a specific smell.

See also - Dishwasher Finish Tablets

Cleaning methods

The bad smell from the car is a problem, but sometimes it can be solved without much effort. Do not be alarmed, the last thing you need is the help of a specialist. It is worth knowing simple tricks on how to get rid of the smell in the dishwasher.

  • Soda cleaning.The usual absorbent, the assistant in all cases is soda. Its main property in this case is the elimination of odors. To do this, pour a glass of soda onto the bottom of the machine and start the wash cycle. Run the program without dishes.
  • Cleaning with vinegar. During operation, scale and other contamination can form, which over time can provoke an odor. Therefore, they also need to be deleted. To do this, you can use a bite, pour a glass of vinegar into the bottom of the sink, and start a program at high temperature. This must be done without the dishes in the dishwasher.
  • Special chemicals. There are a number of special detergents for dishwashers. Cleaning products are also sold separately. They are highly targeted and therefore very effective. They professionally deal with the removal of grease, dirt, scale. Usually, you have to pay more for such funds than using household methods. However, proper care is a long-term and well-coordinated work of your technique.

How to prevent unpleasant odors

In order not to ask a question in the future and not to decide how to remove the smell from the dishwasher, it is worthwhile to carry out preventive measures in advance and take proper care of the equipment. In general, the process of using a washer requires:

  • Removing food residues from dishes before placing them in the washing machine.
  • After the end of the wash program, when you have removed the dishes, inspect for dirt and food particles. Wipe dry the clean machine.
  • Use a special cleaning agent to clean the machine. Do this regularly, about once every two months.
  • Keep the strainer clean. Check for clogging.
  • It is not recommended to keep a loaded sink with dirty dishes for a long time. Alternatively, if you do not plan to wash, then at least turn on rinsing. To prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor, you can use special fragrances for washing.
  • Put a slice of lemon in the appliance compartment and the bad smell will not appear.

If everything is done correctly from the first days of the equipment operation, then problems with the appearance of an unpleasant odor will never arise at all.

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One thought on “How to get rid of the smell in the dishwasher”

  1. Glory:

    The dishwasher also had an unpleasant smell and could not cope with it. Then they advised OdorGone Home and only then everything was gone. Now just a neutral smell remains and that's it.

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